What was the mission of the Prophet Mohammed SAS Part 1

 What was the mission of the Prophet Mohammed SAS Part 1

Every Year Muslim Masses celebrate the Milad Un Nabi SAS. Every Muslim loves the prophet the most. 

but are we unified when asked about the mission of the Prophet SAS? its High time to explore His mission.

When we read Quran, it highlights 6 Six important roles performed by the Prophet SAS

          رحمت اللعالمین Mercy to Mankind 21:107

          شاہد، بشیر، نذیر Witness of Truth 33:46 

         طیبات کو حلال اور خبائث کو حرام Making the Good one Lawful and the bad as unlawful 7:157

          تزکیہ، تعلیم Mentor & Guide 62:2 

          عدل کا قیام System of Justice 57:25

          غلبہ دین Establishment of Deen 61:9; 9:33; 48:28 

The last one which was the ultimate goal & Mission is mentioned thrice in Quran whereas the other five roles were part of the works done by the prophet SAS to attain the final Mission.

Though all the Arabs accepted the kind personality of the Prophet they were reluctant to accept the supremacy of Islam and surrender before its just principles hence they (Unbelievers) did the level best to oppose the mission.

We will explore further with proofs in the next episode

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