High prices & Inflation .


What is the policy of Islam in "Taseer", High prices & Inflation .

Once during the time of the Prophet (peace be upon him) prices rose in Madinah Tayyaba. The people requested the Holy Prophet to fix the prices. He answered.

ان السعر غلاوہ ورخصہ بید اللہ وانی ارید ان القی اللہ ولیس لاحد عندی مظلمتہ یطلبنی بھا۔


The rise and fall of prices is in the hands of Allah. (i.e. it is under natural laws) and I want to meet my God in such a situation that no one complains of injustice and injustice against me.

After that, he continued to say in his sermons, conversations, and meetings with people.

الجالب مرزوق والمحتکر ملعون۔

The one who brings the necessities of life to the market gets sustenance and mercy from God and the one who withholds them deserves the curse of God.

من احتکر طعاماً اربعین یوماً یرید بہ الغلاء فقد برئ من اللہ بری اللہ منہ۔


Whoever withholds grain for forty days so that the prices rise, Allah has nothing to do with him and he has nothing to do with Allah.

بئس العبد المحتکران ارخص اللہ الا سعارحزن وان اغلاھا فرح۔

How bad is the person who withholds the things people needs. His heart aches when there is a decrease, when the price increases, he is happy.

من احتکرطعاما اربعین یوماً ثم تصدق بہ لم یکن لہ کفارۃ۔

Whoever withholds grain for forty days, even if he gives charity to that grain, his sin will not be compensated for what he has committed during those forty days. In this way, the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) continued to preach and exhort against hoarding until the self-improvement of the merchants was automatic and all the stocks that were withheld came to the market.

This is the glory of the ruler whose government is established on the foundations of morality. His real strength is not police and court and control and ordinance, but he exploits the roots of evil in the layers of human heart and soul, corrects intentions. Ideas and mindsets change, quality changes values. And makes the people voluntarily obey their commandments which are based on self-righteous moral principles.

Those whose morals are corrupt, and who have no other basis for their rule than tyrannical domination, have, whenever they are faced with such a situation as they are today, forced to do it all. They try and instead of reforming the morals, they leave by completing the little that is left in the moral corruption of the common people. By Syed Maulana Maududi

(Tarjuman al-Qur'an. Rajab, Shawwal 43 AH. July, October 44 AH)
