What could the US and China do to prevent the escalation of tensions?


What could the US and China do to prevent the escalation of tensions?

·         From China’s perspective:

o   They are leader in manufacturing hence they need a market which is more friendlier to them. Make more friends and less enemies.

o   Ensure to keep the minorities right safe.

o   Avoid Debt trapping, help others by investing in infrastructure projects of every nation and in return get the benefits for investment.

o   De-escalate the Taiwan episode to keep China progress in right direction instead of wasting on Defense and war.

o   Make good relations with neighbours especially India, who could be a big market for Chinese products. Else they will align themselves in western block.

·         From America’s perspective:

o   Accept that days of unipolar world are over, there are many regional powers who are developing who will have their say in the matter affecting them.

o   Understand that Western power is declining, rest of the world will not be terrified with sanctions and boycott; so better come to realistic terms.

o   Keep developing and focusing on technology where they are undisputed leaders for another couple of decades.

o   Stop poking noses in other countries internal affairs, by backing so called domestic opposition intellectuals serving their masters interest, making analysis and reports contrary to the ground realities.

o   Work on setting up real value of inflated Dollar. Still the time is there for correction.

