Who was the greatest Mogul king after Akbar? Aurangzeb



Who was the greatest Mogul king after Akbar?

Contrary to the media hype, Aurangzeb was the best among the Mughal rulers due to the following facts:

Unified India under one rule: No kingdom before him has such bigger boundaries. He ruled India for half a century.

Rich state: During his period India contributed nearly 25% of global GDP

Simple Life: Inspite of being a powerful king he led a pious and simple life which was not a practice by most of the rulers

Tolerance towards other communities: He gave grants to temples and other religious places.


Social reforms: He brought many social reforms as limiting practices as drinking, gambling, narcotics, Sati, lavish court expenses and prostitution etc.

he abolished the inland transport duty, which amounted to ten percent of the value of goods, and the octroi on all articles of food and drink brought into the cities for sale.

The following are good read for the people to have a glimpse of his rule. Some of his actions can be questioned as a ruler.

Jadunath Sarkar, History of Aurangzib (Calcutta, 1916), III, 246.

 R. C. Majumdar and Jadunath Sarkar, History of Bengal (Dacca, 1943–1948), II, 378.

 S. R. Sharma, The Religious Policy of the Mughal Emperors (Bombay, 1962), p. 153;

Z. Faruki, Aurangzeb and His Times (Bombay, 1935), p. 117.

William Foster, ed., The English Factories in India 1660–1664 (Oxford, 1923), p. 401.

R. C. Majumdar et al., An Advanced History of India (London, 1958), p. 509.

Quoted in Abdullah Chughtai, Fanun-i-Latif Ba-ahd-i-Aurangzeb (Lahore, 1957), p. 42.

Inayat-Ullah Khan, Akham-i-Alamgiri, trans. by Jadunath Sarkar as Anecdotes of Aurangzib (Calcutta, 1912), p. 91.

H. M. Elliot and John Dowson, The History of India as Told by Its Own Historians (London, 1867–1877), VII, 386–87
