12 Lessons from Day of Furqan (Youm ul Badr)

 12 Lessons from Day of Furqan (Youm ul Badr)

17th of Ramadan which is referred to as Youm Al Furqan was a decisive day in the Islamic History as on this day Allah has given decisive victory to Muslims over their enemies. This incident has a lot of lessons in it for us. Below are 12 highlighting lessons from this event.


1.     1. Diplomatic relations with neighboring nations پڑوسی ممالک سےحلیفانہ تعلقات: After reaching Medina, Prophet Muhammed PBUH started developing diplomatic relations with all the tribal nations around Medina; This helped in minimizing the chances of backstabbing from those who lives near to you.

  1. Economic goods of Enemies: دار الحرب کے سامان معیشت: When you are in a war mode with enemies, the goods & resources which are primary source of enemy’s infrastructure is to be taken seriously and efforts to be taken to minimize the impact of these on enemies’ warfare development. The caravan of Abu Sufyan was carrying worth around 262 Kgs of Gold; most of it would be used to fight back against Muslim Hence Prophet chased the caravan.

  2. Importance of Consultation: شوری کی اہمیت: Even during a war time Prophet consulted his companions on various subjects, changed locations on their advice; treating the enemies was also consulted and acted according to the team’s opinion. Though Prophet SAS was directly in guidance from Allah, his act emphasize that consultation should be one of the important bases of Muslim’s collective life.

4.       4.The success of the world does not depend only on numbers دنیا کی کامیابی صرف تعداد پر منحصر نہیں: Though Muslims were outnumbered 3:1, but their strong believe and leadership won them through. This gives a solace to us that Muslim should have more belief in Allah than on their strength.

5.      5. Obedience to the Messenger is the way to salvation اطاعت رسول ہی نجات کی راہ: In this event Sahaba has shown the remarkable quality of following their Leader irrespective of the conditions and resources; Real success is for those who follow the Prophet PBUH in all situations.

  1. Competition in doing good نیکی میں سبقت : Sahaba competed in doing good among themselves; two youths Maaz & Maooz competed to join the muslim Army.

7.     7. Importance of war tactics جنگی تدابیر کی اہمیت: This war has highlighted the importance of war tactics shown by Prophet SAS from following the caravan, reaching the war ground early, selecting the best position on the ground, war operations etc.

8.      8. Familiarity with enemy conditions دشمن کی حالات سے واقفیت: Prophet SAS inquired skilfully about the size of enemy’s army, people accompanying them, their route etc. Muslims should be well aware of all the plots that enemies used against them and keep themselves well prepared.

9.       9. Organization of the Army فوج کی تنظیم: Arab tribes were not well versed with organizing the army and when they fight, they just raid their enemies. In Badr Prophet SAS divided his army in three levels and utilized his scarce resources efficiently.

1010. Appropriate use of force طاقت کا مناسب استعمال: During the war Prophet SAS used force to break the backbone of enemy and when they surrendered, 70 chief tribesmen were spared of their lives and later released them.

  1. Trust vs Planning توکل اور تدبیر کا فرق: this event also differentiates between keeping Trust and planning. As mentioned above Prophet did all what is required to win the battle; later he went in prostration and ask for Allah’s Help. Muslim thus is required to utilize all the best efforts from his end and then pray to Almighty to help him get success.

1212. Brotherhood and Wilayat اخوت اور ولایت: In this battle most of the Muhajiroon (Migrants) were fighting against their relatives whose has preferred faith over nationality. It was their real test, but they showed the difference of disciplined movement who give priority to their goal and faith.


‏‏‏‏‏‏May Allah give us courage to follow the spirited path shown by Prophet Mohammed PBUH and his companions. Aameen

