9 Lessons from Conquest of Makkah

 📌 9 Lessons from Conquest of Makkah 📌

On 21st of Ramadan The event of Conquest of Makkah took place.

📍 Monotheism (Tawheed): Kaaba which is seen as a symbol of the Oneness of Allah. It was filled with idols, numbering 360. Prophet Mohammed PBUH proceeded to knock them down using his bow while reciting the verse from the Qur'an: "And say: 'The truth has come, and falsehood has vanished away; surely falsehood is ever certain to vanish." (Qur'an 17:81). From there on Hijaz became a hub of Monotheism.

📍 Secret planning: Prophet Mohammed lived a life which was very transparent, even his personal details and habits are recorded and transferred to the masses to practice in the routine life. However, being a leader there are certain aspect on which secrecy has to be maintained, which was shown in the expedition towards Makkah which was planned in very secretive way to catch the enemy unprepared, so that enemy cannot counter the moves. So whenever situation demands, we should keep some cards to our chests.

📍 Minimizing bloodshed: The most important center of Arabia was conquered with minimum bloodshed; this was the strategy of Prophet Mohammed PBUH to get maximum results from minimum losses. If this event was not planned smartly, the enemies would have fought till their last breadth causing heavy losses. Only 13 casualties were inflicted in this event and the main center of Arabia was conquered for ever.

📍 Honouring old privileges: Certain traditions have been carried out in Quraysh from a long period. Custody of Kaaba’s Key was also one among them. Once while Prophet was in Mecca, he requested the key from the custodian Uthman bin Talha which he refused to give. When prophet conquered Makkah, He got the keys of Kaaba Prayed inside it and later he called Uthman bin Talha and, returning the key of the Ka’ba to him, said: "This position belongs to you and will remain safe in your family!". Normally the conqueror try to demolish all the existing traditions and privileges but Prophet respected the existing good traditions.

📍 Forgiving enemies:  When Makkah was conquered, Prophet Mohammed Pbuh was addressing the people of Makkah who tortured him for 20 years and now they were expecting the severest punishment. He asked them: "O you people of Quraysh! What do you think of the treatment that I am about to accord to you?" They replied: "O noble brother and son of noble brother! We expect nothing but goodness from you. Upon this he said: "I speak to you in the same words as Yusuf (the prophet Joseph) spoke unto his brothers: He said: "No reproach on you this day," (Qur'an 12:92) "go your way, for you are freed ones.

📍 Humility: When Prophet SAS entered Makkah after conquering it he was reciting the Quranic verse When the help comes from Allah, and victory (is granted), (1) and you see people entering Allah's religion in multitudes, (2) then extol the praise of your Lord and pray to Him for forgiveness. For He indeed is ever disposed to accept repentance. (110:3). He was so humbled that his chin and beard was touching the back of his Camel. This is quite contrary to the traditions of victor who enter their domain with pride and parade.

📍 Ending Racism: After cleaning Kaaba of all Idols Prophet Mohammed SAS has asked Hazrat Bilal RA to climb up the Kaaba and give Azaan (the call for prayers). H Bilal was Abyssinian slave and giving him the charge to climb above every one mark the end of racism. Prophet said, "O people! Allah has abolished from amongst you, under the tenets of Islam, the bases of pride of the Age of Ignorance and self-glorification on account of lineage. All are the descendants of Prophet Adam and Adam was created with clay. The best person amongst you is he who refrains from sin and disobedience". Till date we see among muslims that they have no racist feeling among themselves.

📍 No forced conversion: Muslim didn’t force any one to embrace Islam but almost all of them willingly converted to Islam, which highlights the unbiased nature of Islam. Quran says: When the victory of Allah has come and the conquest, (1) And you see the people entering into the religion of Allah in multitudes, (110:2)

📍 Sparing lives of enemies’ leadership: We often see that after conquering lands the enemy’s leadership is often slain. But Prophet SAS spare them and those leaders who till then were bitterest enemies of Islam offered their services with sincerity to flourish Islamic cause thus avoiding damage to the humanity by not depriving them of the cream of the society.


