Evil Leaders can't outstrip Almighty


Evil Leaders can't outstrip Almighty

Allah is warning these oppressors that they may have thought that they will continue to inflict mountains of atrocities on Muslims in the same way and no hand will be able to hold them. They consider the religion of Allah to be abandoned. Therefore, they neither fear any harsh reaction from the Muslims, nor do they think that an unseen hand can ever capture them. That is why they are becoming bolder in torture day by day. They should know that the freedom that Allah has given them to test the Muslims is not forever. Just as there is a time for every crop to be fruitful, every fruit to ripen and every being to mature, so the harvest of the religion of Allah will be fruitful in its own time. Today's weak will become strong tomorrow. Allah further pointed out that the infidels of Quraish should not be under the misconception that they will surpass us because We have sent our Messenger with guidance and the right religion to make him prevail over all false religions. And the Quraish are bent on thwarting our Messenger and his preaching efforts and believe that this nascent religion and a force rising on its foundation will soon face failure and we will succeed in blocking its path. This is their naivety and their very bad judgment given the circumstances. The religion of Allah Ta'ala will prevail and when Allah Ta'ala lays hands on them, no one will be able to save them (Ruh Ul Quran)

           اَمۡ حَسِبَ الَّذِيۡنَ يَعۡمَلُوۡنَ السَّيِّاٰتِ اَنۡ يَّسۡبِقُوۡنَا‌ ؕ سَآءَ مَا يَحۡكُمُوۡنَ ۞

           اور کیا وہ لوگ جو بُری حرکتیں کر رہے ہیں یہ سمجھے بیٹھے ہیں کہ وہ ہم سے بازی لے جائیں گے؟ بڑا غلط حکم ہے جو وہ لگا رہے ہیں

      Or do those who commit evils think that they will outstrip Us? Evil is what they predicate. 29:4
