Abridged Explanation :

So do not be impressed by the wealth and children of these hypocrites, or think it to be something good.
The end result of their wealth and children will be grievous: Allah will make them a form of punishment for the hypocrites, causing them difficulty and hardship, and send misfortune through them until Allah takes their souls while they still disbelieve; and are given an eternal punishment in the lowest depths of the fire of Hell.

Explanation (tafseer):

This verse is pointing to a great truth about worldly wealth. The teaching of Islam is that wealth in itself is not something that a person can make the goal of his life. The real purpose of man's life should be to attain the pleasure of Allah and improve the hereafter. However, since wealth is needed to survive in the world it has to be obtained through legitimate means.But when a person makes wealth his own life, and is always worried about how to increase the wealth, he forgets that he has made his own life miserable.
He has sacrificed his comfort in this concern.
The bank balance is certainly increasing, but there is no chain of days, no rest at night, no leisure to talk with wife and children, no time to enjoy the means of relaxation. Then if ever there is a loss in this property, mountains of sorrow and grief will break on the head.

Allah addressing the prophet Muhammad pbuh:

It is obvious that you should avoid it, but you are particularly attracted to those people whom Allah has given many children and abundant wealth. Just because of the idea that a person who has young sons and wealth is always considered to deserve special respect in tribal life. People listen to him attentively, he can be effective for one's good if he wants. Hazrat Muhammad pbuh also considered such hypocrites who had these two blessings of Allah to be more worthy of attention and used to pray to Allah for them that if these people become true with the wealth of faith, they can become the strength of Islam and can play their role well for the betterment of the Islamic society. But now that the continuous behavior of the hypocrites made it clear that they were not ready to accept guidance in any way. Do not give importance, Allah Almighty has decided that He will punish them in this world in such a way that they will be deprived of accepting faith due to their abundance of children and wealth and will remain in this situation, and their lives were suffocated.

It happened in the Majlis(meeting room) of Hazrat Umar. Hazrat Umar used to call some of the elders of Quraysh, including people like Suhail bin Amr and Harith bin Hisham, and sit him down and ask them to make room for him. After a while, it happened that these gentlemen arrived at the assembly. After going out, Haris bin Hisham said to his companions, "Have you seen how we were treated today?" Sohail bin Amr said that there is no fault of Umar in this, it is our fault that when we were invited to this religion, we turned away and these people came running towards it. Then these two gentlemen came again to Hazrat Umar and said that today we saw your behavior, and we know that it is the result of our shortcomings, but now is there any way to compensate for it? Hazrat Umar did not answer anything and only pointed towards the border room. It means that if you lose your life and property in the field of Jihad, maybe you will get that position again Which you have lost.

At last:
You people should never think that wealth and abundance of children are great blessings of Allah for them. This is not the case at all, rather, Allah gives such blessings to such people so that their reckoning in this world becomes empty and nothing remains for them in the Hereafter. And it also happens that sometimes the same blessings of the world are made by Allah Almighty to be a source of punishment for man.
